
“LIFE” first –  let’s get our priorities right! We are in business because it gives us the lifestyle we want, or it should.  I aim to help you reach that goal!

“BALANCE” – Life is a juggling act isn’t it? Trying to achieve that sweet spot of balancing priorities, like family, friendships, self-care, spirituality, happiness, community with life’s necessities, like work, money, business, responsibilities. A well managed business, where you can achieve that life-balance, gives you a sense of accomplishment and ease.  You need to have your ‘finger on the pulse’, and feel you are in control.

“BOOKS” –  Bookwork! You either love it or hate it! Of course that’s not the be-all and end-all, but it is getting more and more important to have accurate recording and reporting for you to be in control, to be compliant with law and have peace of mind. It helps you learn from the past, plan for the future, grow and achieve balance and do what is important to you.

Linda Burling

Experienced, Registered, Professional

BAS Agent

Need help? Just want to have a chat?  Not really sure what you need?  Book a one hour free consultation and let’s see what we can do!

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